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How much does a hearing aid cost?
South Africa
Phone 0169761792 or 0169769194
Fax 0866507380
How much does a hearing aid cost?
In South Africa hearing aids can cost anywhere between R5000 and R30000. However, a good digital hearing aid will usually cost about R8000 to R12900.
Do Medical Aids pay for hearing aids?
Most medical aids pay for hearing aids. You should check with your medical aid to confirm that they will pay the full cost. If not, some suppliers will allow you to pay the difference over time.
Who does hearing tests?
Audiologists and Hearing Aid Acousticians do hearing tests. Audiologists provide a diagnostic testing service to doctors who may do more tests and recommend medical or surgical treatment. Hearing Aid Acousticians do hearing tests primarily for the purpose of supplying and adjusting hearing aids but if they detect a treatable condition they will recommend that you consult your doctor. You can have a free hearing test done by registered professionals at our premises in Randpark Ridge, Randburg.
Where can I buy a hearing aid?
Once it has been established that there is no surgical remedy you can get a hearing aid from an Audiologist or Hearing Aid Acoustician. If you wish we will deliver directly to you. Tell us where you live or contact us.
Will I need two hearing aids?
Your hearing system is designed so that the sound from two ears is fused into one sound by the brain. By comparing intensity, time and timbre differences between the ears your brain can mentally “steer” your hearing in any direction. In noisy conditions we automatically focus our attention in the direction of important sounds and mentally exclude unwanted noise. A single hearing aid will work satisfactorily in quiet conditions with good room acoustics but in noisy restaurants, group conversation and meetings two ears are essential.
Can a single hearing aid reduce background noise?
Some hearing aids have tiny computers that can tell the difference between speech and noise and focus the microphone towards the speech. However, when the “noise” consists of several competing voices the hearing aid cannot know which voice you want to hear. When two hearing aids are used your brain knows which voice you want to hear and allows you to mentally exclude the interfering speech.
Are all hearing aids the same size?
Hearing aids differ in size – from the older behind-the-ear type to a very small, almost unnoticeable hearing aid, which fits in the ear canal.
What are cochlear implants and how do they work?
During cochlear implantation an electrical apparatus is surgically implanted into the bone behind the ear. It consists of a microphone (which receives sounds), a speech processor (which selects usable sounds) and a coil (which decodes and sends electric impulses to the electrodes). These components are worn externally.
Do doctors always know what causes hearing loss?
In 30% of the cases of hearing impaired children the cause of the hearing loss is unknown or cannot be determined.
How does a cochlear implant affect speech development?
The prognosis for normal speech and language development increases dramatically the younger the child is at implantation. This makes early diagnosis of an impairment critical.
What are the things that can cause hearing loss in later life?
There are multiple causes of hearing loss in later life. These include viral and bacterial infections such as meningitis, drug toxicity, excessive noise exposure or ear infections.
What do I do about the stuff in my ears?
Take a look at these frequently-asked questions on ear wax.
Are certain children born deaf, or does it happen later?
Most hearing impairment is inherited. But of all types of inherited deafness, only one third is present at birth.
Do cochlear implants give someone normal hearing?
The apparatus doesn't normalise hearing and the sound that is generated by the implant differs from normal hearing.
Do hearing aids make a big difference?
Thanks to digital technology, it's now possible to produce hearing aids with such precise and fine sound quality that the user is brought closer to normal hearing than ever.
What are the symptoms of hearing deficiency?
The symptoms of hearing deficiency are varied, and my include frequent earaches, complaints of ear difficulties, lack of attention to casual conversation and late to start talking.
What percentage of children have severe or total hearing loss at birth?
Approximately one out of every thousand children born has a severe or total hearing loss.